Category Archives: #b90days

90 Day Plan

Well is it a failure or success?? I am behind again in my reading plan. Been too busy to be on Twitter and forgot to check in on the session last Monday….
BUT I have read some amount each night….
SO I am not counting it as a failure. I am much further ahead in a daily reading goal than I have ever been.
I got my new Bible and I love the layout and the NIV version. It has definitely made it much easier reading.

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Filed under #b90days

90 Days update

well… I am still doing my challenge to read the Bible in 90 Days, however I never thought that I’d be behind in the first week…

I knew realistically over the course of 90 days, I’d probably get behind at some time, just didn’t think it’d be so soon. There is a great group on Twitter to follow and get support from. On Monday’s there is TwitChat about the previous week’s reading. I bought the Bible in 90 Days version. It is a nice, hardback, Bible with the reading marked on the pages. It makes it nice to follow. Supposedly the success rate increases when you are using this version. I hope this is true!

I hope my next post can say… “I’m ahead”

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Filed under #b90days