Category Archives: terry

Houston We Have a Problem

We have been in blur of busy around here getting ready to go on our trip. In fact maybe we should go on trips more often. We have been finishing up some small ‘honeydews’. Terry wanted to get the bush-hogging finished at the farm and get the tractor back home before we left. Good idea! Well in the middle of my ‘getting ready’ I get a phone call…. “Honey, I have a problem.”

Boy would I say. After spending 15 minutes at home looking for log chains that were already on the truck with the tractor, off Paxton & I went to the rescue. The poor tractor was buried up and headed for a Sycamore sapling. But never fear with a small pull ‘ole Jerry red’ came right out of the ruts!Neither Terry nor the tractor suffered any worse for the wear and he was able to finish the bush-hogging job.

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Filed under daily fun, terry

Terry’s hunting trip.

Terry was invited this Spring to go on a Pheasant hunting trip with
Mike & Zach. He was all for it and began making plans. They went
to Mitchell, SD on the opening week of pheasant season.

As you can see birds were aplenty. They joined a family hunting party and there were about 40 hunters there. They hunted 20 guns at a time and drove the birds. Terry stated that the number of birds in a small area was just unbelievable.

This was not what Rod and Birdy had planned. They were ready to get to the field. They were able to take the dogs out one day and Terry was pleased with the way they worked. Oh to have a week working a dog on that many birds!!
Paxton & I stayed home and held the fort down, but we may have to plan a trip in our near future. Seeing some of the photos with the old house, the Quonset hut barns and old farm equipment, the dirt roads and flat land with NO trees was very reminiscent of our training summer in North Dakota many moons ago.

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